$8.50 USD
Favorite parts of the tour you’d like to remember?
Find items here that celebrate highlights, elaborate collective conscience and point out key facts!
Apply color theory with the celestial colors of our casual couture
CM002e1 Blue Sky Click Stick Eraser
$16.50 USD
CM002c2 Sun Colors of Matter
‘True Blue’ Pencil Sharpener
CM002d2 2 Blue Sky Mechanical Pencils
Fun metallic colors—to grasp the process
Featuring the ‘healing’ properties of Color
Like our planet in the Universe, colors possess characteristics and represent things like thickness of the atmosphere and our ability to perceive it. Doing so, the visual alone, brings qualities to us. Like cooling feelings of refresh from a glimpse of blue sky above. So, colors can be said to possess a degree of power. You might enjoy picking a favorite color from this pack of pencils and Googling the psychology of color and the healing properties or motivational abilities of the color purple, for instance. Then, while you use that pencil for your work, ‘channel’ it’s color vibe if you’d like. Can be enriching! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
SHOP Writing
Great for reflective writing—cleansing dusk colors
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of aDuskSky
Ordinary Matter in our Universe is referred to as “everything else” besides dark matter after a star comes into fruition and light,… etc begins to take place. Using this bound notebook with its artful application of color just might lend you the technical influence of reflection that the knowledge of our atmosphere weights and their resulting display of color from light and actual yonder passing through provides us. Each variant color’s vibe from the universe, like being able to breathe fresh air versus air from under our pandemic masks(different vibe, right?) is not just color but actual factual differences in how we’re experiencing the universe from where we stand. How much atmosphere, or particles in the environment, stand between us and the cosmos, can be seen and contemplated in the dusk sky, in a lilly pond in Claude Monet’s artwork so beloved across the world and can be an elevating and reflective exercise, even momentary, for this journal to serve in gearing up your work-ready writing, drawing, or doodling intellect for its pages. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002c1 Sun Colors of Matter
Pink Pencil Sharpener
Great for creative writing—Universe ‘Dark Matter’ Cover
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Dark Matter’ BLACK with a light show image of stars being born—ordinary matter. Ordinary Matter in our Universe is referred to as “everything else” besides dark matter after a star comes into fruition. Dark Matter in our Universe is hardly tangible. But like its nature of giving life to new stars that in turn bear ‘Ordinary Matter’, especially the color black, its black appearance of color,(though in Dark Matter it's not actually a literal 'color', only appearing to us as color) bears us senses of great artistic edge and attained capacities as in the black of a judge’s robe, a black-belt in karate, monks and religious orders, and black-tie celebrations. Using this bound notebook journal with its artful application of subject just might lend you the technical influence of creativity that the knowledge of our Universe’ capacities imparts. If not scientifically proven, things like black onyx are held to absorb negative energies, too, making this a great pick for our GDLL ‘ToxX’ merchandise mix toward tox-free living and working. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
$12.00 USD
$95.00 USD
CM002i0 It Is Written 'Reach For
The Stars' Wall Quote
Fun bright color—in a brilliant ‘Color of Light’ translucency
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of PINK & YELLOW
Rose Quartz, or even the color pink, has love and compassion energy if not scientifically proven potential to inspire harmony. For self-care or bettering relationships, you may like to ‘sharpen’ its influence in your work environment with this reliable Bostitch pencil sharpener in a concentrated shade of hot-pink. Yellow, like a canary, can bring your attention to its surroundings! Like a post-it note reminder, this tiny desk accessory becomes an inspiration to incorporate love into your work. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
$30.00 USD
CM002b0 Universe Colors of Matter No.2 Soft ‘Lead’ Pencils 10-Pack
Special Selections from our WRITING department...
...Are you writing policy? The items listed below can serve as friendly reminders for
Our treasured blue planet is counting on you.
Fun to use—some of the bright colors in our universe!
Featuring the ‘healing’ properties of Color
Like our planet in the Universe, colors possess characteristics and represent things like thickness of the atmosphere and our ability to perceive it. Doing so, the visual alone, brings qualities to us. Like cooling feelings of refresh from a glimpse of blue sky above. So, colors can be said to possess a degree of power. You might enjoy picking a favorite color from this pack of erasers and Googling the psychology of that color and its healing properties or motivational abilities. Then, while you use that eraser, consider its color vibe if you’d like. Can be enriching! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
A simple reminder—associated
Featuring the power of a reminder that brings the personal value, like eco-friendly policy, into the professional arena like the application of one’s work or the very specific Universalstart, end or honor of crafting that value into existence by writing. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
A little encouragement goes a long way
Featuring the suggestive nature of a kind word in honoring the human individual’s universal drive to strive upward. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Light airy design—that inspires free planning
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of SKY at SUNRISE or SUNSET
Like the horizon of our planet, these colors can associate with our very being and core connection to our highest source, inherent with promise of a great new day. Creativity is sparked at sky’s vast, pronounced reaches of capacity and dimensions of depth. Rainbow hematite, or even the colors in iridescence—shades of the chakras, has basis in strength combining with airs of new possibilities. Consider its formation by iron mixing with oxygen, or saturated hues mixing with impermanence of atmosphere. This group of colors counteracts negative energies, working great in our GDLL ‘ToxX’ merchandise mix toward tox-free living and working. Enjoy your most powered-up in good vibes looking ahead practices of calendar! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
A candid note about our sourcing: All items are brand new, bought firsthand. 'Special finds' often bought at retail, are usually bought direct from suppliers also unless we've made them ourselves under our private label product development lines. Thouroughbred Thrifting
departments will always be clearly marked as such and are merchandised, stored sealed and displayed quite separately from regular GDLL inventory. Any of our merchandise handling includes gloves, air purifier, ventilation and facemasks in strictly clean workspace environment where good vibes prevail. For product lines that benefit from outdoor crafting, like our natural and organic beeswax candles, we create a same such "healthy space" in our building's private backyard within which to melt, mix, pour and package each artisan quality item. With our location just 3 blocks shy of the East River, where the waters run in from the Atlantic Ocean just beyond, we think these exclusive candles will be inherent with the beauty of a clear refreshing breeze surround.
CM002g2 Dark Matter Ruled Journal Notebook
$16.50 USD
Construct your task with convenience and skill
Featuring the Color ‘power’ properties of Builder’s YELLOW Borrow properties of the sun—to inspire & empower the notion of ‘construction’. Builder’s Yellow, or the general color, has awesome studied if not scientifically proven potential to affect us positively. To combat stress, stabilize emotions, or rejuvenate, yellow, like the sun, indicates ‘work underway’, caution and care, alertness and progress. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002a0 ‘Sun-Dispersed Sky’ Colors of
Matter Pocket-Size Planner
$9.00 USD
$7.50 USD
$19.50 USD
CM002g0 Little Handy Journal
our premiere collection
Fun bright color—in a brilliant ‘Color of Light’ translucency
classic twist & turn pencil sharpener
shavings catch-basin stands. Easy to empty
contrast yellow color detail
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of BLUE & YELLOW As in the old phrase, “True Blue”, or even the color blue, this reminiscent of sky or ocean blue, can evoke sentiment albeit as possibly minutely as on a molecular level, back to our origin, being that we evolved from the water. Loyalty, faith, unwavering character in commitment to principles can be symbolized in the ‘effect of this deep blue color’s if not scientifically proven potential to encourage trust. For one’s own abilities or a spark of professional confidence, you may like to ‘sharpen’ its influence into your work with this reliable Bostitch pencil sharpener in concentrated shade of blue. Yellow, like a canary, can bring your attention to its surroundings! Like the return of a wave out at sea, or a post-it note reminder, this tiny desk accessory becomes an inspiration to incorporate sincerity into your work and the translucency can aim to remind transparency as a sometimes helpful notion, like in budgeting. Let us know if it works! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
rough sketch pictured here of:
“‘Greening’—On my watch!”
Featuring the ‘healing’ properties of Color
Like our planet in the UNIVERSE, colors possess characteristics and represent things like thickness of the atmosphere and our ability to perceive it. Doing so, the visual alone, brings qualities to us. Like degrees of cooling feelings of refresh from a glimpse of blue sky above. So, colors can be said to possess a degree of power. The Colors of Matter colors painted on this watch can signify to its wearer or viewer things of our UNIVERSE we need to value closely, like our earth itself, the sun, … and can serve to influence our choices to be eco-friendly stewards of just such environment. If not scientifically proven, things like black onyx are held to absorb negative energies, too, thinking the color inherent with vibe of that nature, makes this a great pick for our GDLL ‘ToxX’ merchandise mix toward tox-free living and working. Influential? Let us know. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Thanks for shopping!
CM002h0 ‘North Star’ Silver & Gold
Border Paper
$8.50 USD
Great for creative writing—nourishing black color
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Dark Matter’ BLACK with a light version of "cosmic latte" beige(see above)
Dark Matter in our Universe is hardly tangible. But like its nature of giving life to new stars that in turn bear ‘Ordinary Matter’, in other words everything else in our Universe, especially the color black, bears us great artistic flair and well-attained status of ability as in a judge’s robe, a black-belt in karate, monks and religious orders, and black-tie celebrations. Using this bound notebook with its plain shade of black, just might lend you the technical influence of creativity you needed. If not scientifically proven, things like black onyx are held to absorb negative energies, too, making this a great pick for our GDLL ‘ToxX’ merchandise mix toward tox-free living and working. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Fun to use—some bright colors of our universe!
Featuring the ‘healing’ properties of Color Like our planet in the Universe, colors possess characteristics and represent things like thickness of the atmosphere and our ability to perceive it. Doing so, the visual alone, brings qualities to us. Like cooling feelings of refresh from a glimpse of blue sky above. So, colors can be said to possess a degree of power. You might enjoy picking a favorite color from this pack of pens and Googling the psychology of that color and its healing properties or motivational abilities. Then, while you use the pen, consider its color vibe and wonder its effect. Enriching? Let us know. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Fun bright color—in a brilliant ‘Color of Light’ translucency
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ORANGE &YELLOW
Oranges, or even the color orange, have nature’s vibrant energy to nourish and bring a bit of water, sun and earth elements to mind, body and spirit, if not scientifically proven potential to encourage growth. For self-care or bettering job output, you may like to ‘sharpen’ its influence into your work environment with this reliable Bostitch pencil sharpener in a concentrated shade of orange. Yellow, like a canary, can bring your attention to its surroundings! Like a dose of vitamin C, or a post-it note reminder, this tiny desk accessory becomes an inspiration to incorporate betterment into your work. Good luck! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
$8.50 USD
CM002d1 'Dark Matter’ Black Mechanical Pencil with Refills
“The first draft of anything is s---” Hemingway
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Blue Sky’ BLUEBlue, in our Universe is seemingly quite rare. Though NASA sometimes gives Hubble Telescope’s beautiful pictures color, with meticulous care, to help us understand what we’re looking at and what possibly it’d be like if we were close enough in their atmosphere to gaze at the objects, like new stars, similar to our own, and the blue horizon and oceans it creates for us here on earth, we've seen enough to gather our blue planet is special. Blue in our Solar System is most certainly rare. Our ‘blue water planet’ bore us, and all we in turn have created. Correct, as virtue, original as standard. Whatever you might create with this eraser bearing the color of the seas and sky, good luck! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002g1 Ordinary Star ‘Dusk’ Journal
CM002j1 'Colors of Matter' On My Watch—
"Greening!”(As soon as a 1st sample's done, we'll feature a pic of the actual, here. You can see it produced on ourNEWfacebook page!)
CM002j0 Friendly Reminder 'Earth Greening'
LED Light-Up Pen with Stylus
$20.00 USD
Enjoy shopping more than 20 Gold de la Locale departments!
$19.50 USD
$8.50 USD
CM002f0 Colors of Matter 'Color Theory' Pens
$19.00 USD
$17.50 USD
Great for fine writing—stays sharp!
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Blue Sky’ BLUE
Blue, in our Universe is seemingly quite rare. Nasa gives Hubble Telescope’s beautiful pictures color, with meticulous care, to help us understand what we’re looking at and what possibly it’d be like if we were close enough in their atmosphere to gaze at the objects, like new stars, similar to our own, and the blue horizon and oceans it creates for us here on earth. Similarly, blue in our Solar System is most certainly rare. Our ‘blue water planet’ bore us, and all we in turn have created. Whatever you might create with this mechanical pencil in a color just like the blue sky, with black accents that can harken knowledge of the dark matter of our universe that gives us new stars all the time, and which even has translucence, a quality of transparency we should embrace in many more realms, like those of law, or food safety, among so many others, good work! Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Nostalgia for Stationery—Universe of Stars
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Dark Matter’ BLACK GOLD and SILVER with a star show design of seemingly endless ‘north star’ type stars. If you think of our sun, and all it provides us in terms of galaxy, planets, life, energy… and that it’s a star, simply a star, look how much care this paper is celebrating in suggest that we share it. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002e0 Colors of Matter 15-Pack Erasers
CM002h1 5 Gold Foil-Lined Envelopes
with tiny Heart Stickers
$17.00 USD
$3.50 USD
“Did you enjoy the FREE virtual tour?”
on Instagram @golddelalocale
& Youtube at GDLLVirtual Tours
current series —The UNIVERSE!
Asking universal questions of mankind
Write in sparkling colors of our universe!
Pilot pens—A leader in reliable writing instrument engineering
Featuring the ‘healing’ properties of Color
Like our planet in the Universe, colors possess characteristics and represent things like thickness of the atmosphere and our ability to perceive it. Doing so, the visual alone, brings qualities to us. Like degrees of cooling feelings of refresh from a glimpse of blue sky above. So, colors can be said to possess a degree of power. You might enjoy picking a favorite color from this pack of pens and Googling the psychology of that color and its healing properties or motivational abilities such as found in studies of crystals and gems from our earth. Then, while you use the pen color of your choice, consider its color vibe and wonder its effect. Enriching? Let us know. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
Early Bird Special.Even before this item completes product development, we wanted to make it available for order. Be first to get the goods, go ahead, order now. We think you're going to love it and we'll always aim to exceed expectations. If we ever disappoint, we'll issue a full and swift refund. Our made-to-order items won't deliver overnight, but we think it's a responsible way to retail. Our goal is to promote old-world craftsmanship, very people-centric. Picture an artisan's shop in a village's past--meet 2022--let's bring it forward together!This item can ship right away, USPS Priority Mail (FREE for entire order when you buy at least one, like this, of our private label items)delivered in 1-3 days.
$11.50 USD
Great for fine writing—nourishing black color
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of ‘Dark Matter’ BLACK Dark Matter in our Universe is hardly tangible. But like its nature of giving life to new stars that in turn bear ‘Ordinary Matter’, in other words everything else in our Universe, especially the color black, bears us great artistic flair and well-attained status of ability as in a judge’s robe, a black-belt in karate, monks and religious orders, and black-tie celebrations. Using this mechanical pencil to sketch out next steps in a project or plan, with its shined shade of black, just might lend you the technical influence of creativity you needed. If not scientifically proven, things like black onyx are held to absorb negative energies, too, making this a great pick for our GDLL ‘ToxX’ merchandise mix toward tox-free living and working. Complete with refills. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002c0 Sun Colors of Matter
Orange Pencil Sharpener
$90.00 USD
Send some ‘power of gold’ in your mailing
Featuring the Color ‘healing’ properties of GOLD with teeny metallic heart stickers to accentuate the notion
Gold, or even the color, has awesome studied if not scientifically proven potential to affect us positively. To combat stress, stabilize emotions, or rejuvenate, gold is reputed to attract honor, wealth & happiness making it a pleasant addition to any correspondence. Lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Always FREE shipping
CM002f1 Sunny Yellow ‘Worksite’ Tool Pen
CM002f2 Colors of Matter Color Gel Pens
See it. Dream it.
Fashion it forward.